The Weekly World Thingy

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

TV Training

TV is media. Entertainment stations are owned by companies that also own news stations.

Why do shows like 'Everybody Loves Raymond' propose to normalize pusilaniminity? They seem to stereotype and heroize character flaws. The characters are constantly beating one another down, arming the American mind with fresh new ways to degrade and insult on a daily basis. They rarely grow or change as persons and it is not reflected in subsequent episodes nor lighted upon again. 30 minutes [23] of slander, 30 seconds of realization.

Other shows promote violence, a dominating or submissive social order being demonstrated and glorified, or make themes of lust or greed. Commercials, making up about 20% of the airtime, is made of the same themes, except heavily materialized and with very rare lesson material.

The news is often made to be in a similar theme with gossip, racism, propaganda or aligning viewers to an established political decision, or casting a positive or negative light on a decided topic. There is no space for incisive behavior in news shows nor do they present information that would allow viewers to escape the supporting belief loop of the way CEO and political leaders want Americans to believe and behave.

The marketers of America are harming the Americans. Let's have some MTv celebrity boxing matches between the country's framers and the country's sellers.

Now, a little bit from Jeffrey Rowland's .


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